Node Setup
Super Easy To Run a Node
You can either run a node:
Via deploy to a host in the cloud
On any machine with Docker installed
One Liner Deploy Script To The Cloud
A Mac or Linux shell environment
curl with ssl support
Digital Ocean
Prerequisites: Follow these instructions to signup for a Digital Ocean account. You need a Digital Ocean API token. You may export your token as the env var DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN
or simply provide it when script asks for it.
One Liner Install For Digital Ocean
Each run of this script will generate a Droplet on Digital Ocean running a Dafecs node. You will receive an email to the address used in your Digital Ocean registration with login credentials. The Dafecsnode runs as a docker image.
Running using Docker Compose
Step 1: Download the docker-compose.yml file to your machine that has Docker installed.
Step 2: Start the node
You can also start the node as a detached background service:
To view the logs you then use the docker logs command:
Last updated
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